Birthday Girl

The resident baker made this ho-ho cake for my birthday-chocolate sponge cake with cream, topped with chocolate ganache Today is my birthday. I no longer feel angst about it as I have in years past, due to the questions surrounding my birth and adoption. All that is water under the bridge. Today is just a day that I happen to be born on. A day to eat cake with the family I love. I have been pondering this: “Should I archive my blog?” I used to be so passionate about writing about adoption, but honestly, for now, I have run out of things to say on the topic. This appears to be a crossroad. Should I scrap the blog or just change the direction of the blog? Is blogging even a thing anymore? I do have one post on Medium. Pondering moving my writing over to that platform. Also considered Substack or Threads. I have enjoyed doing the podcast but that seems to have run its course too since I am no lon...