The Well-Adjusted Adoptee (and tips on how to raise one)

Me as a baby I listened to my neighbor describe her two adopted relatives this week, describing the female cousin as "never acknowledging adoption is an issue and never caring at all about searching" She described the sibling of this cousin as the one "who has a more difficult time of accepting his adoptedness" Hearing this made me think to myself, "I bet she thinks the one who never wanted to search or considers adoption a non- issue is the better adjusted one than the one who had difficulties accepting his adoptedness." The non-adopted have an idea that a well-adjusted adoptee will mold right into the adoptive family without any problems at all; where in fact I would venture to say the opposite can also be true. The adoptee who proclaims adoption means nothing or never questions how being adopted affects her identity and relationships or never wonders how she became part of this particular family may be really showing signs of ...