The Three Traumas of Adoption (based on the writings of Betty Jean Lifton)
Photo credit: I have been re-reading Journey of the Adopted Self by Betty Jean Lifton (psychologist, author, adoptee). I read it in 2006 at the beginning of my adoption reunion journey. The dedication at the beginning of the book reads like this: "To the memory of my adoptive mother Hilda and my birth Mother Rae who might have known and even liked each other in another life and another adoption system." I love this book. I experienced so many revelations when reading this book the first time. It was complete validation for everything I felt growing up and a realization that I am not crazy when I feel wounded, damaged or misplaced for growing up in closed adoption. As I've stated before, my opinion is that closed adoption is a form of emotional abuse. After re-reading Journey of the Adopted self 8 years later post-reunion, I found that Betty Jean Lifton agrees with me. She states that telling a child he or she is adopted without "...