Heading to National Conference of State Legislatures - Chicago 2016

NCSL-Minneapolis, MN - 2014 The Adoptee Rights Coalition is gearing up for another exciting opportunity to speak with state legislatures and their staff members about sponsoring bills in closed record states for equal rights for adoptee access to original birth certificates. This year will be different in that we will be educating lawmakers on the boom in DNA/genetic genealogy testing and that through this testing, there is no longer any reasonable expectation that privacy or anonymity exists between a parent and their offspring (adopted or not). For $99.00, anyone can purchase a DNA test and be matched up with cousins and sometimes, close family members, who also have tested. Just a few years ago, it was only a lucky few who were getting close matches. Nowadays, people are getting first cousin, grandparent and sibling matches on a regular basis. I myself have a first cousin match at Ancestry which has allowed me to see which of my other matches are maternal versus...