God is Not a Birth Parent and Jesus is Not Adopted
This letter is in response to the June 5, 2018 article, “Adopting a Child Mirrors God’s Adoption of Us All” published in The Presbyterian Outlook. I can appreciate that Rev. Glass, herself an adoptee and birth parent, has found something positive about her own relinquishment and adoption within scripture. Rev. Glass had a wonderful loving adoptive family, for which she is grateful; however, comparing “being adopted” to our adoption by God does not ring true for me 1 . There are many Christians who cannot relate to Rev. Glass’ interpretation of scripture. 2 In fact, hearing this comparison at church does damage to many adopted people who did not have the same loving and positive experience Rev. Glass did. Where was God for them when they were being abused or re-homed after being adopted? What about the birth family members who were praying that their child/niece/grandbaby could stay with them and not have to live with strangers? Why didn’t ...