California's Senate Bill 1274 Will Allow Adopted People Same Rights as Nonadopted

Photo credit: Adoptees United, Inc. By Lynn Grubb, President, Adoptee Rights Coalition California born-and-adopted people have been waiting a long time for unrestricted access to their original birth certificates. Ever since 2019, when New York restored unrestricted access to adoptees , ending 83 years of inequality, Adoptionland has been holding it’s breath that California would follow suit. California’s current laws are some of the most restrictive in the country and endorse shame and secrecy from a bygone era. With 95 % of adoptions having some form of openness , California adoptees rightfully expect to be treated as equal citizens. Under current law, the only way to obtain an adopted person’s original birth certificate (OBC) is to petition a judge for a court order after proving good cause. It was a happy day when on February 16, 2024, California Senate Bill 1274 was introduced by Senator Susan Talamantes Eggman , Chair of the Senate Health Committee. Sen. E...