Being a "bitter" and "angry" adoptee is hard work
How many times have I been accused of being an "angry adoptee"? Well, usually I am accused of this when I point out something blatantly wrong about the adoption industry. Usually, it is a non-adoptee or an adoptive parent who says it. It is usually never another adoptee unless they have not dealt with their own adoption issues. In fact, I've been accused of being too adoption-loving by some adoptees. That one just blows my mind! I'm usually accused of this through electronic communications (probably because adoption is not my favorite topic of conversation in real life) by people who have big computer screen kahunas, but would never call me up and say "Hey, help me to understand your perspective here." I have been told not to show so much emotion on my blog. I've been accused of stepping off my spiritual path. I've been told I have "anger issues". And you know what? I take all of these comments as a compliment. I know...