
Showing posts from August, 2015

Common Traits of Adoptees

Have you ever wondered what makes adoptees tick?  Well, wonder no longer!  I hope to answer some of your curiosities today.  In an effort to reach both adoptees who may think they are alone in addition to my other aspiration to educate those of you who are still ascribing to traditional myths about adopted people, today is the day you can learn the inside scoop! "Traditionally, American culture has communicated to adopted children that aside from the fact that they are “chosen children,” their lives and experiences are just like that of those who are raised by their birth parents (Silverstein & Kaplan, 1998;Wegar, 1997). In more recent years, however, theorists, activists, and adoptees themselves have contested this perspective and argued that the experience of being an adopted person is unique and worthy of attention (Brodzinsky, Smith & Brodzinsky, 1998; Rosenberg, 1992; Wegar, 1997). --  Unique Issues of Adult Adoptees by Jennifer Cariz...

Using Your Strengths to Overcome Difficult Circumstances

My husband and I were chatting this morning over coffee, reliving in a sense, the search for my birth father.  He reminded me of how far we have come from knowing nothing to knowing so much information, including a psychic vision he received involving a few letters in the alphabet.  We were trying to decipher how this vision fit in with the stories we have gathered from the people who knew my family 5 decades ago.  We relived the psychic vision he had around 2005 about my birth mother's family before I even knew who she was.  (Mark knew ahead of time that my mother lived in the NW part of the U.S., including identifying the state of her residence and that she had a very unique name.) One thing is clear to my husband -- he stated that, " you and I are strong people" .  Not really understanding where he was going with this line of thinking, I probed him further. "What do you mean exactly?" "Well, I am a man of faith and all of these situations and exp...