When Are You Going to Get Over Being Adopted?
As National Adoption Month comes to a close, I want to address a very common question that most adoptee-activists/writers/artists endure: "Why are you so obsessed with adoption or why haven't you gotten over your adoption yet?" I can only answer for myself but I am certain others have felt the same pangs of misunderstanding every time they are asked these questions, which I suspect is often. As I have stated on this blog and to people in my life, "adoption has colored and affected almost every aspect of myself from birth onward." Adoption is not just a legal status that created a forever-family. It is an action taken upon me that changed the entire course of my life. There is no pre-adoption me that I have any conscience awareness of. Kristy Lee Unger (my alter identity) never had a chance to live or exist in this world as I became Kathryn Lynn Wetherill at age 11 months at the time of my adoption finalization. This life-altering c...