Firmly Rooted in Time and Place

“Walking, I am listening to a deeper way. Suddenly, all my ancestors are behind me. Be still, they say. Watch and listen. You are the result of the love of thousands.” Linda Hogan, Native American writer I was listening to this podcast yesterday where Ande of The Adoption Files interviewed adoptee Becky Drinnen. As Becky shared the long meandering road to understanding her identity, beginning in her early 20’s and culminating in her 50’s, something really struck me that the two were discussing: every bit of information we receive about our birth family and our history, no matter how seemingly insignificant to somebody else, matters and helps to build a more cohesive narrative. And even though the search and reunion process may not take so long for some, given the quick nature of consumer DNA testing , the journey of discovery can continue for a lifetime. It seems there is no end to the discoveries available as mo...