Let's clear up some myths about open records for adoptees

I've been thinking about why it has taken so long for the United States to grasp that adopted citizens should have a right to an accurate copy of their birth certificate. A struggle for the average citizen to understand adoptee rights comes from the urban legends that circulate like wildfire -- until they are seen as true --when in fact, they are false. The laws are far behind the realities of information, the internet and the wants and needs of modern original mothers and adult adoptees in domestic adoption. Adoptees are dying every day without their medical history, and the stories of their lives. The progress has been slow since Oregon opened birth certificates to all adoptees in 2000. Read about Oregon's law here . The following myths are alive and well in the minds of the opposition of adoptee access to original birth certificates. Every adoptee needs to be well-versed in "talking points" when the legislature, family and friends ask valid quest...